Lookism Hindi Dubbed season 1, Best School Life Hindi Anime

Lookism in hindi

Lookism is about a boy who faces ragging and been tortured by other peoples. He is fat boy who daily used to go to school. Everybody looks down on him. ( Lookism Hindi Dubbed Download )

Because of this he changes his school and went to another city but same things are happening again to him.

One day, when he woke up he find some changes in his body. He found that his body changes into a young and handsome boy and his old body is lying on the ground.

Lookism hindi dubbed

Anime is watched by people all over the world, and it is liked a lot. You can also get more information from Wikipedia about this anime or you can use some other sites. If you want to see some other animes in Hindi. Click here.

Lookism season 1 in hindi dubbed

Language: Available in Hindi

Genres: Action, Drama, SupernaturalS

tudios: Studio Mir

Producers: Netflix

MAL Score: 7.47

Aired: December 8, 2022

Premiered: Winter 2022

Status: Finished Airing

Total Episodes: 8 

Lookism download in hindi

Lookism is bias or discrimination against people who are seen as physically unattractive, affecting how their intelligence and abilities are judged based on looks. It happens in various settings like dating, social situations, and workplaces.

Unlike racism and sexism, lookism gets less attention and usually lacks legal protections, but it still impacts people’s chances in relationships, jobs, and more. The opposite idea is known as pretty privilege. Physical attractiveness is linked to positive traits, while unattractiveness is linked to negative ones.

People often judge others based on looks, which affects their responses. Research shows that attractive people are viewed more positively and seen as more competent. Attractive individuals generally have more friends, better social skills.

Lookism season 1

Scholars study lookism from cultural and economic angles. Culturally, it ties to beauty standards, stereotypes, and gender roles. Economically, it involves income differences based on looks and productivity changes among workers. This issue connects to other social problems like racism and ageism.

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