Death note in hindi dubbed, DOWNLOAD DEATH NOTE IN HINDI

Download death note in hindi

The story is about a boy named Light Yagami who lives in Tokyo , he finds the “Death Note”, a notebook that can end anyone’s life in seconds as long as the writer knows both the target true name and face. ( death note in hindi dubbed)

The boy uses the notebook for killing of criminals. The Notebook belong to a spirit shikigami, who dropped the notebook into the human world because he became bore and he was also enjoying the company of Light.

This is a free site through which you can Download Anime in Hindi. Death Note in hindi, Death note all episodes are now available to download.

Death note download in Hindi dubbed

In Tokyo, a high academy pupil named Light Yagami finds the” Death Note,” a tablet that can kill anyone if the pen knows their true name and face. Light uses it to kill culprits. He’s visited by Ryuk, a” shinigami” and the tablet’s original proprietor. Ryuk, who dropped the tablet out of tedium, is regaled by Light’s conduct.

The media suspects one person, called” Kira,” is behind the murders. Interpol asks operative L to help. L tricks Light into revealing he’s in the Kanto region of Japan. Light promises to kill L, who he sees as an handicap.

Death Note all epioses … Story line

L figures out that Kira has outside knowledge of the police disquisition, led by Light’s father, Soichiro Yagami. FBI agents cover those involved and questionable Light.

Light graduates and joins the Kira Task Force. Misa Amane, an actress, gets a alternate Death Note, Light and Misa temporarily lose their recollections, and Rem gives the tablet to Kyosuke Higuchi of the Yotsuba Group. Without his recollections, Light joins the disquisition. He helps L identify and arrest Higuchi.

Death note in hindi dubbed

Light passes to have Mikami kill Near and the task force, but Mikami’s Death Note is fake. Near proves Light is Kira when Mikami does not write Light’s name. Light is injured and begs Ryuk to write everyone’s names. Ryuk writes Light’s name rather, as he promised, and Light dies. (Dearh note hindi dubbed story lines)

One time latterly, the world returns to normal, but some people still worship Kira. Three times latterly, Near, now the new L, learns of a new Kira. This Kira aimlessly kills people. Near finds him boring. A shinigami named Midora gives Ryuk an apple in a bet to see if a human could come the new Kira. The mortal writes his own name in the Death Note after Near’s advertisement.

Minoru surprises Ryuk by returning the notebook and asking him to bring it back in two years and erase his memory of their meeting.Two years later, Minoru plans to auction the Death Note to the world’s governments instead of using it, calling himself “a-Kira.”

He sells it to U.S. President Donald Trump for enough money to set every Japanese citizen under 60 for life. Minoru then gives up ownership and memory of the plan to stay anonymous.However, the King of Death returns death note to Ryuk. Minoru collapses in a bank after withdrawing his savings, as Ryuk wrote his name in the Death Note, seeking a human who would use it longer.

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